You have finally decided to come into the circle of real men right? Men who are bold and don’t care about what people say about the latest fashion knowing that growing their beard makes them more manly than the next man out there. With a long thick beard and beards generally comes a feeling of manliness and greatness. If you doubt me, take a look at the most noble of men who we consider classic and you’ll see that they all took time to grow their beards and stick with it. Before you get started, understand that on the journey to becoming manlier, there will sure be naysayers, people who will tell you it is not possible or that you will look ugly etc. you know what to tell them in your mind? ‘You don’t exist!’ They are afraid to take the giant step to becoming manly so they take solace in discouraging you too. Ignore them and move on!One thing you have to be aware of is the fact that this journey to growing a thick long beard is a journey on patience. Beards don’t grow long overnight, they take time. You have to brace yourself up to be very, very patience. Give yourself at least 8 weeks before you start seeing decent result. Before then, live with it like an expectant woman who is expecting a baby! The joy of a new baby far supersedes the pain of labor.Now that you mind is set on the above, let’s have some step-by-step guide on how to grow a healthy, long thick beard

1. Pick a really convenient time to begin growing your beard.

Just pick a time when you will have space to give your beard the needed attention. Remember that you have passed the stage where you bother about whatever anyone say or will say!

2. Avoid shaving for the next 2 weeks at the very least.

Like I wrote above, growing beard takes time. Be patience.

3. Shampoo and condition your growing beard. 

It is part of you; you have to keep it neat. It’s very important.

4. Apply Growth Serums 1-2 times per day. 

Apply it to your beard every day for the next 8 weeks at least to see the wonder. Since it is an herbal product, you can be too sure that it just works.

5. Be ready to eat a lot of green vegetables and protein. 

It will help you stay healthy and grow better, long thick beard.

6. Make it a habit to trim your beard regularly. 

Keeping a beard is so much more fun than barbing your hair. Enjoy it, spent some little time with it. You can buy a beard trimmer to make your work more convenient. It will help soften the edges and healthy.

7. Drink a lot of water. 

It will help your overall body metabolism and in turn give you a long, thick, healthy and beautiful beard!

credit to wikihow


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