The earth’s population continues to grow rapidly. Although the earth contains ample space to comfortably house well over one hundred billion people, humanity have instead remained concentrated in small locales and cities which themselves continue to grow in size. The results have a significant negative impact upon the environment. This is particularly a problem in third world countries such as India where a large percentage of the population are located in the northeastern region of the country, in an area the size of the US state of California.

There are many lists and government surveys listing the safest countries in the world, but somewhat related yet rarely addressed is a list of the top ten cleanest countries in the world. What are they, and how is such a conclusion able to be deduced? The following list is based upon the data provided in government surveys, as well as information given in the yearly edition of the “CIA World Factbook”, and the EPI, or the Environmental Performance Index, gathered by Yale University. The list is updated every two years. The following is the most recent information for the cleanest countries in the world for the year ending 2012. These rankings are made based upon a country’s improvements in environmental habitat protection, sanitation, infant mortality rates, forest cover, carbon emissions, fish stocks and air pollution rates, among others. We will count down from ten to one.

10. Sweden

EPI rating: 68.82

Sweden was able to remain in the top ten, despite having fallen from the number one spot in 2010. The nations of Scandinavia have routinely been considered some of the cleanest countries on earth, with the lowest pollution levels.

9. United Kingdom

EPI rating: 68.82

The United Kingdom returns to the list after having fallen from the number five spot in 2006.

8. Italy

EPI rating: 68.9

A nation with a very rich and long history, this is the first time that Italy has been in the top ten.

7. Austria

EPI rating: 68.92

For the last six years Austria has remained on the list, hovering between the number six and number eight spots.

6. France

EPI rating: 69

The land of lovers, France has been able to maintain a good environmental record for many years. Recent political and social upheavals have had a negative impact however, and it may reduce their rankings when collected for the year 2014.

5. Costa Rica

EPI rating: 69.03

With a name that means “the rich coast”, it has proven itself to be one of the very few South American nations able to reclaim some of its natural beauty but improving its quality of living and environmental standards.

4. Luxembourg

EPI rating: 69.2

Luxembourg may be tiny, but it is considered one of the best tourist destinations for Europeans. It’s beauty and cleanliness are legendary.

3. Norway

EPI rating: 69.92

My favorite country. Another of the Scandinavian nations, Norway has been able to remain in the top ten for many years. The colder climate, combined with liberal government policies, keep it one of the lowest pollution-producing nations on earth.

2. Latvia

EPI rating: 70.37

It is ironic that Latvia is in the number two spot considering the fact its next-door neighbor, Estonia, appears in the 54th spot.

1. Switzerland

EPI rating: 76.69

One of the most peaceful and beautiful locations on the planet, Switzerland has been able to achieve many great environmental and health improvements.

Incidentally, the same Yale University study listed the top ten countries who have made the greatest amount of improvement over the past year. From the tenth spot to number one they are, Thailand, Belgium, Ireland, Slovakia, Angola, Egypt, Albania, Romania, Azerbaijan and Latvia. Of that list the only one who was able to improve enough to enter the top ten cleanest country list is Latvia, currently the second cleanest nation on earth.

For those who are interested, the 2012 Yale study lists the ten dirtiest countries (from highest to worst) are: Libya, Bosnia, India, Kuwait, Yemen, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and the worst of all, Iraq.

We hope that this list of the top ten cleanest countries in the world (as well as the list of most improved, and the ten worst) has proven helpful and very enlightening. We can learn a lesson from these countries, especially if the nation in which we live is not included. Each person has a responsibility to keep the earth clean, and to live in harmony with nature.

arranged by OMGTopLists


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