Unicycle Hockey

This unique sport played in the country of Canada. Playing hockey with a unicycle. Here's how to play it with a unicycle.

Man Versus Horse Marathon

This sport originated from Wales. The rules are by running across the countryside, who beat the first horseman is the winner.

Swim : Mud Baths

The rule is that each person is required to swim in a 60-yard mud wallow, those who complete the game at the fastest time is the winner. Fastest world record is 1 minute 35 seconds held by Phillip John comes from England.

Rock Paper Scissors League

There is organization, The U. S. Association of Rock Paper Scissors (USARPS) this ancient competition has become League since 2006. The athletes are robust and plump bodied but the competition is only to hand Stone! Scissors! Paper!


Tunarama Festival is held every year they said in Port Lincoln, South Australia. Tuna tossing competition is the most interesting. To win the $ 7,000 grand prize, participants have to toss an adult tuna like tossing a disc. The rotten Tunas used in this competition.


This "Sports" is originally from Australia in the 80s. Acted where a dwarf has to wear specific clothes and will be thrown in the direction of a field where the winner is determined the farthest throw. The sport is then considered too offensive and degrading dwarfs is eventually banned. Proponents of this sport protested the ban as it prevent provision of local dwarfs.

Cheese Rolling

This sport is actually simple - roll a cheese-filled wheels toward the foothills and the people attempt to get it back. This sport is formally located in the hills of Gloucestershire Cooper, a pretty steep slope. No wonder why the most participants are the drunkard, that eventually resulted in many injured as gliding down the steep foothills.

In a year, two out of three participants were injured and at 1998 the police stopped this sport for security reasons. Cheese rolling has a long history, fight for food makes no sense (they had to scramble a little piece of cheese placed in a wooden wheel) and against the prohibition of the local government because of the risk of head injury and a serious leg fracture.

Wife Carrying

The husband carries his wife on the butt and ran through various obstacles specifically provided. The 'wife' does not mean that the woman have to be the man's wife, anyone could be it, actual wife, neighbor, and anyone else. Clearly there will be 250 meters race, with two hurdles to jump and two water obstacles.

If your 'wife' fall, then you will have penalties for 15 seconds. Notably, Dennis Rodman ever play in the NBA-Chicago Bulls had this sport. Initially for fun, but grew up to be more and more popular and eventually special race like this.

As the name suggests, a husband should take his wife through a variety of terrain including mud, water, and other obstacles.

The prize for the winner is the beer of wife's weight. This sport originated in Finland and inspired by the stories from history. A legend in the 19th century mentions that once the people stealing the wives from neighboring villages.

Mobile Phone Throwing

Phone throwing is an international sport that started in Finland at 2000. Assessments were made based on the farthest distance and toss technique. Any kind of phones can be used, whatever the weight is but have to be more than 220 grams. However, there is also certain cases require just specific of mobile phone models only.


National Athletics Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Central Asian countries, with two groups of horses drive, in fighting over dead calves like 'ball'. Dead calf is then thrown passing through specific line as the goal. The game can last a couple of days.
The history of the sport isn't clear yet, but is considered as a sport to keep morale and team spirit remained high throughout the war.

Buzkashi is the national sport in Afghanistan, similar to polo, but played with the corpse of a calf. Calf or goat-if there is no calf, beheaded and placed on a hole in the ground. The rider will race and fight for it, riding around two sign and return to the "circle of justice".

The winner is determined by those who successfully putting the calf into the ring. This sport is still popular till now in Afghanistan.


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