Today, I would like to share with all of you fellow readers about a secret and sacred wisdom I found it simple and interesting called Golden Ratio

Golden Ratio, Golden Proportion, Golden mean and many more of its name referred to only one symbol (ϕ) also pronounced as phi (Greek letter). But what is too special so that I have to give a spotlight on it?

We will begin with the main idea behind it.
The concept is simple, imagine a straight line. The longer part divided to the shorter part of that line will give the value of approximately same as the value of the whole length divided to the longer part of the line. As you can see here

So, by the formula (as in the picture), you may change the 'a' to ϕ and 'b' to 1 (Google it to understand why and how to calculate it so). After that, use a quadratic formula to finally get the formula of ;

by using the above formula, you might find the exact value of the phi.

But what is interesting is that most of all thing in this world are showing the pattern based on this value. For example at our body...


If you watch closely, you will notice the golden ratio are everywhere at our body, for example the arms parts and also many more at our body part (see the picture above for more details). if you measure the length and the same as I explain in the straight line part, you will get the approximate value of 1.618... not exactly is, but approximate value.

Okay. So that's it, in us. Is there anywhere else that I could see? YES!
In plants, for example the sunflowers. You might notice the middle pattern of the sunflower to be a little bit attractive (see the picture below).

But how do we determine that shape formed by the order of the Golden Ratio?
Just divide the 360 degree to phi (1.618...) and you will get the value of 137.5 degree (see the picture below).

Simple, the 'b' is 137.5 degree, just continuously and repeatedly spam the 'b' part after the end of previous 'b' part and mark each end of 'b' with a dot, and you will have finally get the sunflowers pattern. You might still be confused on it, to understand it more, you might Google 'nature, the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers' an article from Mathsisfun that provide an application to generate a dots-pattern from any given ratios there, or you can also search the animation in Youtube about it.

Okay, so that's it in the plant kingdom. Is there any other magnificent manifestation? Yes!
In the universe. There are actually too much to explain about it, but let us take Venus for instance.

Venus day according to Earth day for a year is 225 days and 1 Earth year is 365 days. If you divide these two values, you'll get the approximate value of phi (1.622... something).
Moreover, the days for Venus-Earth-Sun transit is 584 days which is 1.6 greater than that of Earth cycle. And the transit will also form a shape of pentagram in its orbit if it happen 5 times or more. Amazingly, the pentagram shape also have too many Golden Ratio that can be measured. So, what and how was it? I leave to you to find it by yourself.

Thank you to spend your time a little bit to read about this topic. Have a nice day.
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