Java may make you healthier, smarter, and slimmer — but not if you drown it with sugar and cream

That Cup of Joe might have some positive effects — if you're drinking it properly.

"Often people think of coffee just as a vehicle for caffeine," writes Dr. Rob van Dam of the Harvard School of Public Health. "But it's actually a very complex beverage," containing hundreds of different chemical compounds. Grown in more than 70 countries around the world, coffee has something of a contentious history with health experts, who have long cautioned that over-consumption may be detrimental to our health. More recent studies, however, paint a rosier picture for the Coffea plant's roasted berries (they're not actually beans), suggesting that when consumed in moderate amounts — and without heaping on the sugar and cream — the magical stuff can harbor numerous potential health benefits. A look at a few of them:

1. Coffee may help fight depression
Start your day with a smile: A joint study from the National Institutes of Health and the AARP discovered that folks who quaffed four or more cups of java a day were 10 percent less likely to be depressed than someone who didn't drink coffee at all. Oddly, the same mental-health benefits didn't extend to other caffeinated beverages — particularly cola, which was linked to a higher risk of depression (perhaps because of the high sugar content). Therefore, researchers suggest coffee's "mood-lifting effect might be traced to its antioxidants," reports Prevention.

2. It may be good for your liver
Numerous studies have suggested that caffeine helps the liver regulate itself. Research presented this month by the Mayo Clinic found that regular coffee consumption may reduce a person's risk of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a rare autoimmune disease that can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, and even cancer. But that's not all. A separate 22-year-study of 125,000 people found that heavy drinkers who consume one cup of coffee a day were 20 percent less likely to develop alcoholic cirrhosis. Once again, those health benefits did not extend to other caffeinated drinks, including tea.

3. Java may help you (temporarily) lose weight
The use of green coffee-bean extract exploded when Dr. Oz claimed on his show that it "burns fat fast" with no additional diet or exercise. (Sure.) But what is the substance, exactly? Green coffee beans are seeds that haven't yet been roasted, thus preserving a compound called chlorogenic acid that disappears when heated. Although limited research has been done on the extract, and no serious side effects were reported in clinical studies, WebMD cautions that the actual weight-loss research so far is "preliminary and poor quality."

While caffeine products generally do help with appetite suppression, the Mayo Clinic suggests that the results of water loss from caffeine consumption or calorie-burning via thermogenesis — when your body generates heat and energy from digesting food — aren't permanent. When it comes to weight loss, caffeine should be viewed as a supplement, and not a magical cure-all. So don't try this at home:

4. It's a legal performance boost
It's hardly a secret: Athletes and coaches have long used coffee to boost athletic performance before a competition. Caffeine, in particular, "has been proven to increase the number of fatty acids circulating in the bloodstream," reports The New York Times, "which enables people to run or pedal longer." (One study suggests that as many as two-thirds of Olympic athletes were found with caffeine in their urine.)
So: How much should you drink prior to competing? Researchers at Coventry University in England discovered that the magic performance-enhancing ratio appears to be 6 milligrams of caffeine for every 2.2 pounds of body weight. For a 154-pound person, that's about two cups.

5. It may lower your risk of type II diabetes
Consuming three to four cups of coffee a day was found to be associated with a 25 percent lower risk of developing type II diabetes, reports Science Daily. But researchers weren't able to infer a causal effect between coffee and the disease explicitly. They think, though, that the decreased risk may have something to do with the ability of chlorogenic acid and the alkaloid trigonelline to reduce early glucose and insulin responses.
Worth noting: The report in question was published by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee, which — you guessed it — is a non-profit devoted to coffee's purported health benefits. Take heed.

6. It may lower your risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
Yes, coffee may help keep your mind sharp as you age by slowing the onset of neurodegenerative disease. Multiple studies have suggested that coffee drinkers have up to a 60 percent lower risk of Alzheimer's and dementia, and the beverage may help reduce a person's risk of Parkinson's by 32 to 60 percent, reports Lifehacker.
Why? Chuanhai Cao, a neuroscientist at the University of South Flordia, has a theory: Cao tellsWebMD that caffeine "inhibits production of beta-amyloid," a protein that has been shown to build up in the brain of people with Alzheimer's disease. The older you get, the harder it is to metabolize — or use up — all that excess protein, which causes a log jam in your brain. The stimulant boost from java ensures "your system only metabolizes all of the available protein," says Cao.

7. Coffee might even make you smarter
Time and time again, studies have shown that caffeine — which blocks the neurotransmitters in the brain associated with sleep — can temporarily boost cognition, especially when you're not getting enough shut eye. "When you're sleep-deprived and you take caffeine, pretty much anything you measure will improve" Harris Lieberman, a research psychologist for the military, told CNN in 2006. "Reaction time, vigilance, attention, logical reasoning — most of the complex functions you associate with intelligence. And most Americans are sleep-deprived most of the time."

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